
Thingk is a mix of Design, Engineering and Made-in-Italy.
Combining these skills, Thingk creates smart, cool, med-tech objects, for internet of Things Era.

We are what we think. We are tired of dumb objects, of inanimate pieces, of single-function products. We believe in elegance and beauty. We are the ideas we share, not the ones we keep secret. We want to interact intelligently with everything we have around us, because this is our way of life: fast, mobile, parallel. We are immersed in technology, but we are not slaves, we are interpreters. This is our vision. This is Thingk.
The first step to achieve this goal is the introduction on the market our first product series, demonstrating that it's time for a new class of devices, born for the Internet of Things Era.
We presented prototypes of the first series at the first European Maker Faire in Rome, October 3-6, 2013.
Afterwards, we won Switch2Product competition 2013, entering in Polihub, startup incubator funded by Politecnico di Milano.


We are a team of engineers, developers, designers, inventors and dreamers.

Our team is composed by 5 guys with different skills: Stefano Marangoni (32), Andrea Gallivanoni (35) and Giuseppe Valenti (33) are Electronic Engineers with passion for design, innovation and personal fabrication, Umberto Tolino (37) is a Designer with long experience in Visual Communication and Industrial design, Domenico Cosentino (38) is the Software wizard, with focus on web development and mobile-apps. The entire development team comes from University of Politecnico di Milano, one of the most renowned european universities in Engineering, Architecture, Industrial Design since 1863.

Stefano Marangoni

Team Leader

Domenico Cosentino

Software Wizard

Umberto Tolino

Interaction Designer

Giuseppe Valenti

PCB Hero

Andrea Gallivanoni

Hardware Superstar


We use high quality, natural materials (wood, leather, textile) instead of common poor materials used until now for this segment of the market. We are crazy about Natural User Interfaces and we use them intensively. When you interact with our products, you don’t simply "use" them, you "enjoy" them. This is our goal: create a satisfying user experience, bringing objects in the Era of Internet of Things.

GKILO is a smart kitchen scale. The orientation gives the function to the object. With the scale-face up, GKILO is a scale with a hidden LED display appearing from the wood. If you turn the device with the scale-face facing down, GKILO switches to clock function. A wireless module will ensure the interaction with other Thingk products (for example CLOGK) and with an app. Through the app you will choose the food you are weighing and the app will propose the cooking time for that food and for that weight, setting up the timer on the appropriate countdown. At the end of the countdown, GKILO&CLOGK; will blink together and touching one of these devices, both of them will stop to blink.

CLOGK is a clock/timer with two touch sensors. The Right-side touch allows to toggle between the two functions (clock/timer), while the Left-side touch sets up the countdown value or the clock time. A hidden LED display, made by 360 high efficiency LEDs, appears from the top wood-surface, showing time in classic, analog mode. A wireless module will ensure the interaction with other Thingk products (for example CLOGK) and with an app. Through the app you will choose the food you are weighing and the app will propose the cooking time for that food and for that weight, setting up the timer on the appropriate countdown. At the end of the countdown, GKILO&CLOGK; will blink together and touching one of these devices, both of them will stop to blink.


We love talking about Thingk!
Contact hello@thin-gk.com to request press information.

April 2014 Thingk launch a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo Those who back the campaign can receive the very first models of the products, set to be delivered by August 2014.

December 2013 Thingk was selected as one of the best five startups partecipating to Switch2Product! Thingk entered for a period of incubation in Polihub, one of the best startup incubator in Italy.

October 2013 Thingk will join the first
European Maker Faire
We will present officially our first series of products!


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